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Sunday, March 17, 2013

How to Attract Fans to Your Facebook Page?

Your Facebook Page is created, you are posting your promotions and trying to get likes and fans to build quickly, but your return is mediocre at best. What's wrong? More than likely, your posts stink.

Just because you think your post is going viral doesn't mean that it will garner any attention at all. To attract fans to your page you need to know what interests them, not you. You need to measure your reach and influence using a social media dashboard, otherwise the feedback you get will be incomplete and difficult to adjust to. There are 5 types of posts that will get more attention than any others and draw fans to your site.


Easily the most popular posts to the general population are the funny ones. Laughter is an action that instantly changes a person's mindset, even if only for a moment. It is an emotional and psychological response that encourages a good mood and positive feelings. If your viewers laugh at your post, you've got them hooked for a second at least. Take advantage of that.


If the reader doesn't care about what you post, they won't look any further. Your offers and services will be lost on their attention. If they care, they will stay and read. Engaging posts can be a wide ranging subject, but the key is that they strike some emotional chord in the reader. That could be laughter, but it could also be compassion, sadness, concern, etc. Touch your reader's heart in some way if you want them to keep reading.


Posting on controversial subjects should be entered into carefully. There is a difference between a controversial subject that causes anger and one that causes engagement. You want the latter, obviously. Make sure that any controversial posts are ambiguous enough to leave room for discussion and opinions without creating a war on your page. The right posts will get lots of attention and draw outsiders in.


There are things that people really want and need to know. Your job is to figure out what subjects will glue their eyes to your post and how you can relate them to your business or organization. For instance, if you have a page about collecting things and a new resource or idea comes around that would be vital information to collectors, being one of the first to share it can give you clout. Make sure that you are not just posting a link. Add some information or commentary that will drive interest even more.


Vital posts are intertwined with authoritative posts. The example above would be a good authoritative post as well, showing that when someone needs information on the subject you promote or cover that your page is THE place to find the information they need. Be an expert on whatever your page covers, and you will get readers.


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Online Business - Using Offline Marketing

Whether you are an Internet marketer or generalist, turning prospects into buyers is a top priority. Many marketers are continually testing the success of various media and integrated campaigns. One of the most frequently asked questions is the effectiveness of "off-line marketing" as it related to driving traffic and conversions on your website of the landing page.

With so many differences across products, services, industries, and price points, it's hard to develop a simple yes or no answer when considering whether or not direct mail will drive online traffic for you. The key is to develop a compelling direct mail piece, choosing the right list, and creating an offer that resonates with your target market. Also, consider the following:

1. Package planning is essential for making your mail a success. Before you begin, plan your direct mail package. Will it include a letter, sell sheet, coupon, and business reply envelope? Perhaps you'll be using a postcard. How big? How small? What creative direction will you take?

2. Effective envelope creative motivates consumers to open your piece. Your offer is no good unless it is seen by your target market. Spend a lot of time on your envelope, giving consumers a reason to open it and learn more about your offer. Create a swipe file of other direct marketing pieces you've personally received and opened. What was it about these offers that compelled you to take the next step?

3. Alternative formats can help you qualify for lower postage rates. Manage your budget carefully as large mail campaigns can have a high cost and negatively impact your ROI. One great avenue for lowering costs and increasing response rates is by experimenting with alternative direct mail formats. Learn more at the USPS website.

4. Value-added postcards can help mail get attention. To avoid the issues associated with unopened mail, test a postcard or two. Although much simpler than a direct mail promotion using an envelope and multiple response mechanisms, postcards can be great for driving people online at a low cost. Be sure to have a compelling reason for them to visit your website and a method for tracking results. Defining specific URLs to consumers, to help them locate a special offer, is a great way to track activity.

5. Create a clear call to action. Too often direct marketers create a compelling piece, even a great offer, but make it difficult for prospects to answer. Overcome this issue by providing prospects with multiple ordering methods. These various methods can include the ability to order online, call a toll-free number, and fax an order form. Consider the pros and cons of various ordering methods, and when you do, keep the consumer in mind. You want your buyers to have a positive experience so they order from you again and again.

So perhaps you're still wondering if direct mail can help you achieve your online goals. Begin with a simple goal that is easily defined and measurable. Choose a preferred direct mail technique and test it. You may find that the best way to find consumers online is to drive them with your direct marketing campaign.


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Tips for Maximum Productivity

Do you know that you get 80% of your results from just 20% of your time and effort and consequently 80% of your time is virtually wasted on non-productive activities?. Once you realize this it is easy to take advantage and either reduce the hours you work or significantly improve your productivity.

The 80-20 rule was first discovered by Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto a hundred years ago. Using this knowledge is incredibly powerful in combating the "not enough hours in the day" mentality of today's society.

The 80-20 rule means that in any area of our lives, literally 80 percent of our fruits are derived from only 20 percent of doing "what matters". In other words, there is only a very small portion of all that we do each day, regardless of the situation, that brings us the "higher return". 

How can you benefit from being aware of this principle? Implementing a strategy based on the 80-20 rule can result in greater wealth and greater leisure time? Just imagine how productive you will be if 80% of your time could be spent on productive activities. You have to realize that the things that matter most should never be at the mercy of activities that matter least. 

Here are 5 Steps to maximize your productivity:

1) Keep a work log for at least a week

Write down all of your activities and the time spent doing them. I appreciate this is time-consuming initially but it is essential you get a true picture of your working week.

2) Analyze your activities

Separate your activities into high priority - those that produce a return or where only you have the skills to do the work - and low priority - activities others can do where the activity can be delegated to support staff. You will almost certainly find that you are spending most of your time on low-priority activities rather than activities directly providing a return. In almost all businesses these non-productive activities tend to absorb time at a far greater rate than they should. 

3) Delegate non-productive activities

Once you can identify the low priority activities delegate as many as possible to support staff providing training where required. If necessary employ an additional member of staff to take responsibilities - the cost will be more than offset by your improved productivity. There may be a number of low priority activities you are tempted to keep. Unless it is absolutely unavoidable don't be tempted and don't get involved in non-productive activities or your productivity will fall.

4) Calculate the time required for any remaining low priority activities

Once you have delegated all that you can, your next step is to calculate how much time you should be spending on the remaining low priority activities to make maximum use of your productive time. Do not work disproportionately hard at these low priority activities and set aside the specific time each day or week to complete them.

5) Prioritize your remaining activities

Once you have cleared out the activities that do not bring you any return, it is time to turn your attention to the activities in your life that are bringing the most reward. Prioritize your activities and concentrate most of your time just on a few high-priority activities. 

The objective throughout is to maximize your results from the areas of high return and to delegate those activities that have a low return. Having to spend a disproportionate amount of time on non-productive activities is a major source of stress for many businessmen. Delegating these activities will therefore have the added benefit of reducing the stress you are under. It is all about doing less work for the greater return.

For more success in life, whether that is more money, more time with your family or just making time for golf you should start implementing the 80-20 rule immediately. It will help your career as well as your personal life and, as a bonus, following the 80-20 rule day in and day out can make you very wealthy over the long term.
